
「手を繋ぐ」は「hold hands」
He’s holding an umbrella over her head.

そのため、手を繋ぐときはよく「hold hands」で表現します。手を握り合う感じ。複数形になっているのは、両者の手をカウントしています。
ちなみに、「hand in hand」という表現もあります。「手に手を取って」のニュアンスです。
hand in hand

Ex) Let’s walk hand in hand.
これを「arm in arm」にすると、「腕を組んで」の意味になります。
arm in arm

Ex) They walked along arm in arm.
ちなみに「shake hands」は「握手をする」意味です。「shake」は「振る、揺さぶる」動詞。
shake hands

Ex) We shook hands and introduced ourselves.
take someone by the hand

Ex) I took him by the hand and led him into the garden.
raise one’s hand

Ex) She raised her hand in the classroom.
wash one’s hands

Ex) I washed my hands with soap.
dry one’s hands

Ex) She’s drying her hands with a towel.
clap one’s hands

Ex) I clapped my hands in delight.
wave my hand

Ex) She waved her hand at me.
rub one’s hands (together)

Ex) He’s rubbing his hands together to warm them up.
give someone a hand

Ex) Can you give me a hand?
need a hand

Ex) Do you need a hand with those invoices?
crack one’s knuckles

Ex) He’s cracking his knuckles.
make a fist

Ex) He made a fist because he was angry.

Ex) They high-fived.

Ex) They fist-bumped at the end of the meeting.

Ex) He patted me on the shoulder.

Ex) He pinched the baby’s cheek playfully.
dirty hands

Ex) Keep your dirty hands off me.
bare hands

Ex) He killed the snake with his bare hands.
at hand

Ex) When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.
by hand

Ex) This toy was made by hand.
in one’s hands

Ex) She put her head in her hands and started to cry.
out of hand

Ex) Unemployment is getting out of hand.
on one’s hands and knees

Ex) She was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor.