【英語】文房具の名前(Stationery) Answer Key

こちらは、「Stationery」のAnswer Keyです。
- Answer Key
- ペン、マーカーなど
- stationery【ˈsteɪʃənri】
- pencil 【ˈpensl】
- pencil sharpener【ˈpensl ʃɑːrpnər】
- mechanical pencil【məˈkænɪkl ˈpensl】
- mechanical pencil lead【məˈkænɪkl ˈpensl led】
- colored pencil【ˈkʌlərd ˈpensl】
- eraser 【ɪˈreɪsər】
- ballpoint pen 【ˈbɔːlpɔɪnt pen】
- fountain pen【ˈfaʊntn pen】
- marker 【ˈmɑːrkər】
- highlighter【ˈhaɪlaɪtər】
- permanent marker【ˈpɜːrmənənt ˈmɑːrkər】
- crayon 【ˈkreɪɑːn】
- 小物など
- pen case【pen keɪs】
- pen holder【pen ˈhoʊldər】
- notebook 【ˈnoʊtbʊk】
- notepad【ˈnəʊtpæd】
- planner【ˈplænər】
- Post-it【ˈpoʊst ɪt】
- file【faɪl】
- pushpin 【ˈpʊʃpɪn】
- paper clip【ˈpeɪpər klɪp】
- binder clip【ˈbaɪndər klɪp】
- rubber band【ˌrʌbər ˈbænd】
- ruler 【ˈruːlər】
- correction tape【kəˈrekʃn teɪp】
- glue stick【ɡluː stɪk】
- Scotch tape【ˈskɑːtʃ teɪp】
- scissors 【ˈsɪzərz】
- stapler 【ˈsteɪplər】
- staples 【ˈsteɪplz】
- hole punch【hoʊl pʌntʃ】
- box cutter【bɑːks ˈkʌtər】
- bookmark 【ˈbʊkmɑːrk】
- compass 【ˈkʌmpəs】
- protractor 【prəˈtræktər】
- paperweight【ˈpeɪpərweɪt】
- ペン、マーカーなど
- フラッシュカードで口頭練習
Answer Key
:materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) that are used for writing or typing
pencil 【ˈpensl】
:a narrow piece of wood, or a metal or plastic case, containing a black or coloured substance, used for drawing or writing
pencil sharpener【ˈpensl ʃɑːrpnər】
:a small device with a blade inside, used for making pencils sharp
mechanical pencil【məˈkænɪkl ˈpensl】
:a pencil with a lead 1that can be moved down for writing by turning or pushing the top of the pencil
mechanical pencil lead【məˈkænɪkl ˈpensl led】
colored pencil【ˈkʌlərd ˈpensl】
▶︎赤鉛筆は「red colored pencil」で表現できます。
eraser 【ɪˈreɪsər】
:a small piece of rubber or a similar substance, used for removing pencil marks from paper; a piece of soft material used for removing chalkmarks from a blackboard
▶︎消しカスは「eraser shavings」です。
ballpoint pen 【ˈbɔːlpɔɪnt pen】
:a pen with a very small metal ball at its point, that rolls ink onto the paper
fountain pen【ˈfaʊntn pen】
:a pen with a container that you fill with ink that flows to a nib
marker 【ˈmɑːrkər】
:a pen with a thick felt tip
:a special pen used for marking words in a text in bright colours
▶︎角ばった平たいペン先は「chisel tip」、細いペン先は「fine tip」などと表現できます。また、太字と細字が両端にある2WAYタイプの蛍光ペンは「dual-tip highlighter」などで表現できます。
permanent marker【ˈpɜːrmənənt ˈmɑːrkər】
crayon 【ˈkreɪɑːn】
:a coloured pencil or stick of soft coloured chalk or wax, used for drawing
pen case【pen keɪs】
:a small bag, etc. for holding pencils and pens
pen holder【pen ˈhoʊldər】
notebook 【ˈnoʊtbʊk】
:a small book of plain paper for writing notes in
:sheets of paper that are held together at the top and used for writing notes on
:a book, chart, computer program, etc. that contains dates and is used for recording information, arranging meetings, etc.
Post-it【ˈpoʊst ɪt】
:a small piece of colored, sticky paper that you use for writing a note on, and that can be easily removed
(「sticky note(s)」とも表現します)
:a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order
pushpin 【ˈpʊʃpɪn】
:a type of drawing pin with a coloured plastic head that is not flat
paper clip【ˈpeɪpər klɪp】
:a piece of bent wire or plastic that is designed to hold loose sheets of paper together
binder clip【ˈbaɪndər klɪp】
rubber band【ˌrʌbər ˈbænd】
:a thin round piece of rubber used for holding things together
ruler 【ˈruːlər】
:a straight strip of wood, plastic or metal, marked in centimetres or inches, used for measuring or for drawing straight lines
correction tape【kəˈrekʃn teɪp】
:a white tape that you use to cover mistakes that you make when you are writing or typing, and that you can write on top of
▶︎「white-out tape」などとも表現できます。
glue stick【ɡluː stɪk】
: a sticky substance that is used for joining things together
Scotch tape【ˈskɑːtʃ teɪp】
:lear plastic tape that is sticky on one side, used for sticking things together
scissors 【ˈsɪzərz】
:a tool for cutting paper or cloth, that has two sharp blades with handles, joined together in the middle
▶︎対になっているので、複数形です。「a pair of scissors」と数えられます。
▶︎スキばさみは「thinning scissors」で表現できます。
stapler 【ˈsteɪplər】
:a small device used for putting staples into paper, etc.
staples 【ˈsteɪplz】
:a small piece of wire that is used in a device called a stapler and is pushed through pieces of paper and bent over at the ends in order to fasten the pieces of paper together
hole punch【hoʊl pʌntʃ】
:a tool or machine for cutting holes in paper, leather or metal
box cutter【bɑːks ˈkʌtər】
:a tool for cutting
bookmark 【ˈbʊkmɑːrk】
:a strip of paper, etc. that you put between the pages of a book when you finish reading so that you can easily find the place again
compass 【ˈkʌmpəs】
:an instrument with two long thin parts joined together at the top, used for drawing circles and measuring distances on a map
protractor 【prəˈtræktər】
:an instrument for measuring and drawing angles, usually made from a half circle of clear plastic with degrees (0° to 180°) marked on it
:a small heavy object that you put on top of loose papers to keep them in place
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。