【英語】楽器の名前(Musical Instruments) Answer Key

こちらは、「Musical Instruments」のAnswer Keyです。
- Answer Key
- musical instrument【ˌmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt】
- piano【piˈænəʊ】
- electric keyboard【ɪˌlektrɪk ˈkiːbɔːrd】
- accordion【əˈkɔːrdiən】
- guitar【ɡɪˈtɑːr】
- electric guitar【ɪˌlektrɪk ɡɪˈtɑːr】
- violin【ˌvaɪəˈlɪn】
- cello【ˈtʃeləʊ】
- flute【fluːt】
- trumpet【ˈtrʌmpɪt】
- saxophone【ˈsæksəfəʊn】
- euphonium【juːˈfəʊniəm】
- oboe【ˈəʊbəʊ】
- trombone【trɑːmˈbəʊn】
- tuba【ˈtuːbə】
- harmonica【hɑːrˈmɑːnɪkə】
- drum【drʌm】
- xylophone【ˈzaɪləfəʊn】
- glockenspiel【ˈɡlɑkənˌspil】
- tambourine【ˌtæmbəˈriːn】
- cymbal【ˈsɪmbl】
- castanets【ˌkæstəˈnets】
- triangle【ˈtraɪæŋɡl】
- musical instrument【ˌmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt】
Answer Key
musical instrument【ˌmjuːzɪkl ˈɪnstrəmənt】
:an object used for producing musical sounds, for example a piano or a drum
:a large musical instrument played by pressing the black and white keys on the keyboard.
electric keyboard【ɪˌlektrɪk ˈkiːbɔːrd】
:a musical instrument that you hold in both hands to produce sounds.
:a musical instrument that usually has six strings and that you play with your fingers or with a plectrum
electric guitar【ɪˌlektrɪk ɡɪˈtɑːr】
:an electronically amplified guitar, used mainly in pop music
:a musical instrument with strings, which you hold under your chin and play with a bow
:a musical instrument with strings, like a large violin in shape. The player sits down and holds the cello between his or her knees.
:a musical instrument of the woodwind group, like a thin pipe in shape. The player holds it to the side of his or her face and blows across a hole at one end.
:a brass musical instrument made of a curved metal tube that you blow into, with three valves for changing the note
:a metal musical instrument that you blow into, used especially in jazz and dance music. A saxophone has a reed and belongs to the woodwind family.
:a large brass musical instrument like a tuba
:a musical instrument of the woodwind group. It is like a pipe in shape and has a double reed at the top that you blow into.
:a large brass musical instrument that you blow into, with a sliding tube used to change the note
:a large brass musical instrument that you play by blowing, and that produces low notes
:a small musical instrument that you hold against your lips and play by blowing or taking air in through it
:a musical instrument made of a hollow round frame with plastic or skin stretched tightly across one or both ends. You play it by hitting it with sticks or with your hands.
▶︎セットなら、「drum set」や「drums」などと表現できます。
:a musical instrument made of two rows of wooden bars of different lengths that you hit with two small sticks
:a musical instrument made of a row of metal bars of different lengths, that you hit with two small hammers
:a musical instrument that has a round wooden frame, sometimes covered with plastic or skin, with metal discs around the edge. To play it you shake it or hit it with your hand.
:a musical instrument in the form of a round metal plate. It is hit with a stick, or two cymbals are hit against each other.
:musical instrument that consists of two small round pieces of wood that you hold in the hand and hit together with the fingers to make a noise. Castanets are used especially by Spanish dancers.
:a simple musical instrument that consists of a long piece of metal bent into the shape of a triangle, that you hit with another piece of metal
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。