【英語】観光名所の名詞(Landmarks) Answer Key

こちらは、「Landmarks」のAnswer Keyです。
Answer Key
the statue of liberty【ðə ˌstætʃuː əv ˈlɪbərti】
:a statue at the entrance of New York harbor, which represents a female figure carrying a book of laws in one hand and a torch in the other and is a symbol of welcome to people coming to live in the US
the Great Wall of China【ðə ɡreɪt wɔːl ʌv ˈtʃaɪnə】
:a large strong wall that is over 2000 kilometers long and which was built across northern China to protect the country against enemy armies.
the Eiffel Tower【ðə ˌaɪ.fəl ˈtaʊ.ɚ】
:a 300 metre-high metal tower in Paris, completed in 1889. It is often used as a symbol representing Paris or France.
the Colosseum【ðə ˌkɑː.ləˈsiː.əm】
:an amphitheater in Rome built about 75–80 ad
:a large building with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet in a point at the top. The ancient Egyptians built stone pyramids as places to bury their kings and queens.
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。