【英語】イディオム(Idioms)#1 Answer Key

こちらは、「Idioms」のフラッシュカード#1のAnswer Keyです。
- Answer Key
- (just)around the corner
- keep an eye on someone/something
- on the tip of your tongue
- cross your fingers
- somebody’s jaw drop(s)
- have butterflies in somebody’s stomach
- a piece of cake
- on the other hand
- green thumb
- be all thumbs
- due to…
- It’s raining cats and dogs.
- A leopard cannot change its spots.
- behind bars
- Seeing is believing.
- get cold feet
- between jobs
- couch potato
- break the ice
- eat a horse
- (just)around the corner
Answer Key
(just)around the corner
:very near
▶︎「(just) around the corner」で、「角をすぐに曲がったところだよ→近いよ、すぐに(その出来事が)起こるよ」の意味になります。
Ex) Spring is just around the corner.
keep an eye on someone/something
:to take care of somebody/something and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.
Ex) The mother keeps an eye on her baby.
on the tip of your tongue
:if a word or name is on the tip of your tongue, you are sure that you know it but you cannot remember it
Ex) I forgot his name.It’s on the tip of my tongue.
cross your fingers
:to hope that something will happen the way you want
Ex) I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your success.
somebody’s jaw drop(s)
:used to say that somebody suddenly looked surprised, shocked or disappointed
Ex) Her jaw dropped when she heard the big news.
have butterflies in somebody’s stomach
:to have a nervous feeling in your stomach before doing something
Ex) I have butterflies in my stomach.
a piece of cake
:a thing that is very easy to do
Ex) This math problem is a piece of cake.
on the other hand
:used to introduce different points of view, ideas, etc., especially when they are opposites
Ex) I should finish this project, on the other hand I’m kind of sleepy.
green thumb
:if you are said to have a green thumb, you are good at making plants grow
「園芸が得意な人」を、「green thumb」と表現します。
Ex) He has a green thumb.
be all thumbs
:to use your hands in an awkward or careless way, so that you drop or break things
Ex) I’m all thumbs.
due to…
:caused by somebody/something; because of somebody/something
Ex) Due to the storm, my flight was delayed.
It’s raining cats and dogs.
:to be raining heavily
Ex) It’s raining cats and dogs.
A leopard cannot change its spots.
:people cannot change their character, especially if they have a bad character
Ex) A leopard cannot change its spots.
behind bars
:in prison
Ex) They’re behind bars.
Seeing is believing.
:used to say that somebody will have to believe that something is true when they see it, although they do not think it is true now
Ex) Seeing is believing.
get cold feet
:to suddenly become nervous about doing something that you had planned to do
Ex) He got cold feet about giving a presentation to the audience.
between jobs
:temporarily unemployed
Ex) I’m between jobs.
couch potato
:a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
Ex) He’s a couch potato.
break the ice
:to say or do something that makes people feel more relaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc.
Ex) Let’s break the ice by having coffee together.
eat a horse
:Someone who is very hungry can be described as being hungry enough to eat a horse.
Ex) I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。