【英語】電話の名詞(Phone) Answer Key

こちらは、「Phone」の名詞フラッシュカードのAnswer Keyです。
Answer Key
cell phone【ˈsel foʊn】
:a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere
flip phone【ˈflɪp fəʊn】
:a small mobile phone with a cover that opens upwards
signal bars【ˈsɪɡnəl bɑːrz】
phone charger【ˈfəʊn ˈtʃɑːrdʒər】
:a piece of equipment for loading a battery with electricity
power bank【ˈpaʊər bæŋk】
✅その他にも「portable charger」など。
selfie stick【ˈselfi stɪk】
:a long stick on which you can put your camera or smartphone in order to take a photo of yourself from further away than if you hold the camera or phone in your hand
QR code【ˌkjuː ˈɑːr kəʊd】
:a pattern of black and white squares that contains information, often a web address, that can be read by the camera on a smartphone
:a piece of software that you can download to a device such as a smartphone or tablet, for example to look up information or to play a game
Ex) to build/develop an app
:a phone, usually in a public place, that is operated using coins or a card
phone booth【ˈfoʊn buːθ】
:a place that is partly separated from the surrounding area, containing a public telephone, in a hotel, restaurant, in the street, etc.
cordless phone【ˈkɔːrdləs foʊn】
phone number【ˈfəʊn nʌmbər】
:the number of a particular phone, that you use when you make a call to it
area code【ˈeriə kəʊd】
:the numbers for a particular area or city, which you use when you are making a phone call from outside the local area
:the sound a phone makes when somebody is calling you. Ringtonesare often short tunes, and the word is especially used to refer to the different sounds mobile phones make when they ring.
phone bill【fəʊn bɪl】
:a document that shows how much you owe somebody for goods or services
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。