【英語】職業の名前(Jobs) Answer Key

こちらは、「Jobs」のAnswer Keyです。
- Answer Key
- 教育、オフィス、公務員など
- ドライバー、建築など
- taxi driver【ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvər】
- truck driver【trʌk ˈdraɪvər】
- train conductor【treɪn kənˈdʌktər】
- delivery person【dɪˈlɪvəri ˈpɜːrsn】
- mover【ˈmuːvər】
- janitor 【ˈdʒænɪtər】
- housekeeper 【ˈhaʊskiːpər】
- carpenter 【ˈkɑːrpəntər】
- architect 【ˈɑːrkɪtekt】
- mechanic 【məˈkænɪk】
- construction worker【kənˈstrʌkʃn ˈwɜːrkər】
- plumber 【ˈplʌmər】
- electrician【ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn】
- welder【ˈweldər】
- locksmith【ˈlɑːksmɪθ】
- designer【dɪˈzaɪnər】
- fashion designer【ˈfæʃn dɪzaɪnər】
- 飲食、接客など
- chef 【ʃef】
- baker 【ˈbeɪkər】
- barista 【bəˈriːstə】
- bartender 【ˈbɑːrtendər】
- waiter【ˈweɪtər】
- waitress 【ˈweɪtrəs】
- cashier 【kæˈʃɪr】
- bank teller【bæŋk ˈtelər】
- hairdresser【ˈherdresər】
- nail stylist【neɪl staɪlɪst】
- shop clerk【ʃɑːp klɜːrk】
- florist 【ˈflɔːrɪst】
- butcher 【ˈbʊtʃər】
- gardener【ˈɡɑːrdnər】
- farmer【ˈfɑːrmər】
- zookeeper【ˈzuːkiːpər】
- fisherman【ˈfɪʃərmən】
- tour guide【tʊr ɡaɪd】
- travel agent【ˈtrævl eɪdʒənt】
- priest【priːst】
- 医療関係
- マスコミ、芸能など
- 航空関係
- フラッシュカードで口頭練習
Answer Key
teacher 【ˈtiːtʃər】
:a person whose job is teaching, especially in a school
:a person who is studying at a school
office worker【ˈɑːfɪs wɜːrkər】
:a person who works in the offices of a business or company
▶︎その他、「business person」などとも言います。
receptionist 【rɪˈsepʃənɪst】
:a person whose job is to deal with the people who call or enter an office, hotel, etc.
librarian 【laɪˈbreriən】
:a person who works in a library
police officer【pəˈliːs ɑːfɪsər】
:a member of the police
security guard【sɪˈkjʊrəti ɡɑːrd】
:a person whose job is to guard a building, money, etc.
firefighter 【ˈfaɪərfaɪtər】
:a person whose job is to put out fires
soldier 【ˈsoʊldʒər】
:a member of an army
lawyer 【ˈlɔɪər】
:a person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to the law
judge 【dʒʌdʒ】
:a person who has the power to make decisions on cases brought before a court of law
politician 【ˌpɑːləˈtɪʃn】
:someone who is active in government usually as an elected official
taxi driver【ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvər】
truck driver【trʌk ˈdraɪvər】
train conductor【treɪn kənˈdʌktər】
delivery person【dɪˈlɪvəri ˈpɜːrsn】
:a man whose job is to deliver goods to the people who have ordered them
:a person or company that moves furniture and other possessions from one home or place of business to another
janitor 【ˈdʒænɪtər】
:a person who cleans and takes care of a building
▶︎「custodian 【kʌˈstoʊdiən】」とも言います。
housekeeper 【ˈhaʊskiːpər】
:a person, usually a woman, whose job is to manage the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. in a house or an institution
carpenter 【ˈkɑːrpəntər】
:a person whose job is making and repairing wooden objects and structures
architect 【ˈɑːrkɪtekt】
:a person who designs buildings
mechanic 【məˈkænɪk】
:a person who repairs machines (such as car engines) and keeps them running properly
construction worker【kənˈstrʌkʃn ˈwɜːrkər】
▶︎「工事現場」は、「construction site」です。
plumber 【ˈplʌmər】
:a person whose job is to fit and repair things such as water pipes, toilets, etc.
:a person whose job is to connect, repair, etc. electrical equipment
:a person whose job is welding metal
:a person whose job is making, fitting and repairing locks
:a person whose job is to decide how things such as clothes, furniture, tools, etc. will look or work by making drawings, plans or patterns
fashion designer【ˈfæʃn dɪzaɪnər】
:a person who designs fashionable clothes
chef 【ʃef】
:a professional cook, especially the most senior cook in a restaurant, hotel, etc.
baker 【ˈbeɪkər】
:someone who bakes bread, cakes, etc.
barista 【bəˈriːstə】
:someone who makes and serves coffee and coffee drinks (such as cappuccino) to customers
bartender 【ˈbɑːrtendər】
:a person who serves drinks at a bar or restaurant
:a man who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant
waitress 【ˈweɪtrəs】
:a woman who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant
cashier 【kæˈʃɪr】
:a person whose job is to take in or give out money in a store, bank, etc.
bank teller【bæŋk ˈtelər】
:a person who works in a bank, receiving and paying out money from and to customers
:a person whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair
nail stylist【neɪl staɪlɪst】
shop clerk【ʃɑːp klɜːrk】
florist 【ˈflɔːrɪst】
:a person who owns or works in a shop/store that sells flowers and plants
butcher 【ˈbʊtʃər】
:someone who cuts and sells meat in a shop
:a person whose job is to work in a garden
:a person who owns or manages a farm
:a person who works in a zoo, taking care of the animals
:a person who catches fish, either as a job or as a sport
tour guide【tʊr ɡaɪd】
travel agent【ˈtrævl eɪdʒənt】
:a person or business whose job is to make arrangements for people wanting to travel, for example buying tickets or arranging hotel rooms
:a person who is qualified to perform religious duties and ceremonies in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox Churches
doctor 【ˈdɑːktər】
:a person who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured
:a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital
surgeon 【ˈsɜːrdʒən】
:a doctor who performs operations that involve cutting into someone’s body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts : a doctor who performs surgery
dentist 【ˈdentɪst】
:a person whose job is to take care of people’s teeth
▶︎「歯科助手」さんは、「dental assistant」です。
paramedic 【ˌpærəˈmedɪk】
:a person whose job is to provide emergency medical care to sick or injured people who are being taken to a hospital
vet 【vet】
:a person who has been trained in the science of animal medicine, whose job is to treat animals who are sick or injured
▶︎「veterinarian 【ˌvetərɪˈneriən】」の略。獣医さん。
scientist 【ˈsaɪəntɪst】
:a person who studies one or more of the natural sciences
:a person who takes photographs, especially as a job
:a man whose job is operating a camera for making films/movies or television programs
voice actor【ˈvɔɪs ˈæktər】
▶︎女性なら、「voice actress」です。
:a person who sings, or whose job is singing, especially in public
:a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a job
:a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially somebody who does this as a profession
:a person who writes music
:a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings
:an entertainer who makes people laugh by telling jokes or funny stories
:a person whose job is to wear and show new styles of clothes and be photographed wearing them
:a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio or television
:a person who collects and reports news for newspapers, radio or television
:a person who often uses the website YouTube
:someone who affects or changes the way that other people behave, for example through their use of social media
pilot 【ˈpaɪlət】
:a person who operates the controls of an aircraft, especially as a job
flight attendant【ˈflaɪt ətendənt】
:a person whose job is to help passengers who are traveling in an airplane
astronaut 【ˈæstrənɔːt】
:a person whose job involves travelling and working in a spacecraft
- 絵と一緒に、発音を聞いて、何度も声に出して覚える。
- ある程度言えるようになったら、フラッシュカードにチャレンジ。