【英語】鳥の名前の名詞(Birds) Answer Key

こちらは、「Birds」のAnswer Keyです。
- Answer Key
- chicken 【ˈtʃɪkɪn】
- chick 【tʃɪk】
- dove 【dʌv】
- pigeon 【ˈpɪdʒɪn】
- crow 【kroʊ】
- woodpecker 【ˈwʊdpekər】
- hummingbird 【ˈhʌmɪŋbɜːrd】
- swallow 【ˈswɑːloʊ】
- sparrow 【ˈspæroʊ】
- crane 【kreɪn】
- ibis【ˈaɪbɪs】
- quail【kweɪl】
- parakeet 【ˈpærəkiːt】
- parrot 【ˈpærət】
- seagull 【ˈsiːɡʌl】
- albatross【ˈælbətrɑːs】
- pelican 【ˈpelɪkən】
- duck 【dʌk】
- goose【ɡuːs】
- swan 【swɑːn】
- flamingo 【fləˈmɪŋɡoʊ】
- penguin 【ˈpeŋɡwɪn】
- kiwi【ˈkiːwi】
- ostrich 【ˈɑːstrɪtʃ】
- vulture【ˈvʌltʃər】
- eagle 【ˈiːɡl】
- hawk 【hɔːk】
- owl 【aʊl】
- bat 【bæt】
- peacock 【ˈpiːkɑːk】
- chicken 【ˈtʃɪkɪn】
Answer Key
chicken 【ˈtʃɪkɪn】
:a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat
chick 【tʃɪk】
:a baby bird, especially a baby chicken
dove 【dʌv】
:a bird of the pigeon family. The white dove is often used as a symbol of peace.
pigeon 【ˈpɪdʒɪn】
crow 【kroʊ】
:a large bird, completely or mostly black, with a rough unpleasant cry
woodpecker 【ˈwʊdpekər】
:a bird with a long beak that it uses to make holes in trees when it is looking for insects to eat
hummingbird 【ˈhʌmɪŋbɜːrd】
:a small brightly coloured bird that lives in warm countries and that can stay in one place in the air by beating its wings very fast, making a continuous low sound (= a humming sound)
swallow 【ˈswɑːloʊ】
:a small bird with long pointed wings and a tail with two points, that spends the winter in Africa but flies to northern countries for the summer
sparrow 【ˈspæroʊ】
:a small brown and grey bird, common in many parts of the world
crane 【kreɪn】
:a large bird with long legs and a long neck
:a bird with a long neck, long legs and a long beak that curves downwards, that lives near water
:a small brown bird, whose meat and eggs are used for food; the meat of this bird
parakeet 【ˈpærəkiːt】
:a small bird of the parrot family, usually with a long tail
parrot 【ˈpærət】
:a tropical bird with a curved beak. There are several types of parrot, most of which have bright feathers. Some are kept as pets and can be trained to copy human speech.
seagull 【ˈsiːɡʌl】
:a bird with long wings and usually white and grey or black feathers that lives near the sea. There are several types of gull.
:a very large white bird with long wings that lives in the Pacific and Southern Oceans
pelican 【ˈpelɪkən】
:a large bird that lives near water, with a bag of skin under its long beak for storing food
duck 【dʌk】
:a common bird that lives on or near water and has short legs, webbed feet (= feet with thin pieces of skin between the toes) and a wide beak. There are many types of duck, some of which are kept for their meat or eggs.
(「みにくいアヒルの子」は、「The Ugly Duckling」です)
:a bird like a large duck with a long neck. Geese either live wild or are kept on farms.
swan 【swɑːn】
:a large bird that is usually white and has a long thin neck. Swanslive on or near water.
flamingo 【fləˈmɪŋɡoʊ】
:a large pink bird with long thin legs and a long neck, that lives near water in warm countries
penguin 【ˈpeŋɡwɪn】
:a black and white bird that lives in the Antarctic. Penguinscannot fly but use their wings for swimming. There are several types of penguin, some of them very large but some of them quite small.
:a New Zealand bird with a long beak, short wings and no tail, that cannot fly
ostrich 【ˈɑːstrɪtʃ】
:a very large African bird with a long neck and long legs, that cannot fly but can run very fast
:a large bird, usually without feathers on its head or neck, that eats animals that are already dead
eagle 【ˈiːɡl】
:a large bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food) with a sharp curved beak and very good sight
hawk 【hɔːk】
:a strong fast bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food)
owl 【aʊl】
:a bird of prey (= a bird that kills other creatures for food) with large round eyes, that hunts at night. Owls are traditionally thought to be wise.
bat 【bæt】
:an animal like a mouse with wings, that flies and feeds at night (= it is nocturnal). There are many types of bat.
peacock 【ˈpiːkɑːk】
:a large male bird with long blue and green tail feathers that it can spread out like a fan
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